Saturday, January 25, 2014

"So What Happened to Josh?"

The Blair Witch Project

So to make me momentarily forget about my watch getting lost slash stolen (do not exactly know which one - but either way it was pretty depressing when I realized that my left wrist was naked), I decided to scare my wits off by watching the supposed horror movie classic: "The Blair Witch Project".

I won't lie, horror films are one of my guilty pleasures even if I am also embarrassingly guilty of hiding behind anything opaque to cover half of my vision when the background music starts to get eerie or when the oh-so-genius lead actor goes into the woods or down that dark abandoned cellar because it's really common sense to go down haunted places in a slow-mo fashion shouting "hello? is there anyone out there" out into the dark void... (I always give a mental scolding to the actor - "hello? are you trying to get yourself killed?" seriously.)

It has a documentary-ish theme to it, which automatically entails the "shaky cam" impression but then again, that's what made it so realistic and convincing in the first place. It was so realistic that I had to Google if it was a true story (it's not, but there's a lot of true historical references in it with the whole witchcraft thing and all; the setting is also real). This is actually the first horror movie that made me nervous. I felt like my heart was gonna throw itself out of my rib cage or something.

Surprisingly, it was dubbed as being the next scariest thing since the Exorcist. I personally won't give it that much credit, but for an indie film to have that kind of reputation? Pretty good marketing if you ask me. To confuse people, they even put up "missing" posters at the time the movie was released.

So yeah, just wanted to give my two cents for that film. So if you're in the mood for a relatively good vintage horror movie, this is a good pick, definitely.

Watch it then maybe you can help me answer this: So what happened to Josh?

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