Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cuisine Wanderlust: A Stellar Destination

Cuisine Wanderlust: A Stellar Destination

(Pun in the title fully intended, you'll see why later on)

Photo taken from their Official Facebook Page
One of my favorite things I love about internships apart from the obvious work experience acquired is discovering good places to eat. Lunch out for special occasions (such as welcoming of a new member to the team or a despedida for an outgoing one) gives way to unearthing endless culinary options because I believe everyone loves celebrating hello's and goodbye's over great food.
I’m not a self-proclaimed foodie though, I’m more of a comfort food kind of person rather than an experimental one and while I would usually spend a moment or two looking over the menu to try something different, I end up getting “the usual”. But after being exposed to the intriguing “Wood Fired” Bistro that is Stella, I think my culinary decisions will never be the same. Maybe encouraging my taste buds to be a bit more adventurous won’t hurt, right? Unless my excitement (or hunger, most likely) makes me forget about the visceral damage that a fresh-out-of-the-pan entrĂ©e can do to your tongue making you quite fluent in profanity.

In case you would like to grace them with your presence and eager tummies, Stella Wood Fired Bistro has a branch in the East Superblock of Bonifacio High Street Central.  I highly recommend the dishes that I inevitably fell in love with:

- The Stella Salad (if my taste buds had hands, the candied pistachios in this dish made them applaud - hmm, what an awkward mental image that must have given you)
- Stella's Porchetta (if you marry pork belly and double smoked bacon, this is their brilliant offspring - when I had my first bite, I mentally played the hallelujah chorus in the back of my head) 
- Spanish Chorizo Fried Rice (I usually prefer steamed rice during meals but this definitely made me demote that to the backseat, and besides, I can't say no to chorizo)
- Wood Fired Garlic Mushroom Cream Fettuccine (The truffle oil and lemon combination surprisingly complemented each other! did I mention truffle oil? haha sorry i'm a fan)

I was also pleased with dessert and topped the experience quite well. We had Salted Caramel Cake and Red Velvet Cake, too. But I think the availability of their gourmet cakes varies daily. But the Wood Fired Chocolate Almond Cookie Dough, tho. It was saccharine albeit diabetic and a must-try. So if you want a sugar rush? This is definitely the fast-lane to that. I still daydream about it and crave for it incessantly. 

So yeah, I know what you're thinking - food blogging without any photo accompaniment whatsoever? Smart. Well okay, i'll accept that stab, but to my defense, I was around my colleagues and bosses so, if I were to start having a mini photo shoot with the food on the table, that would have been weird (seeing as that was not their first time to dine there and were already well acquainted with the menu). So, I would have to leave it up to your lovely imagination which hopefully painted a good enough picture to make you try! You're welcome for the future cravings. 

You can check out their menu here: 

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