Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Cliché New Year’s Resolution Post

I’ll come right out and say it – I have a hard time being punctual in the mornings (ok screw it, in general. I have a sickening habit of last minute outfit changes) and I have the shopaholic’s disease (Yes, I insist that it is more of a dangerous ailment and not necessarily a lack of self-control).  Again, on both accounts, the denial is blaringly obvious.

So when the bells of change rung in lieu of the new year, I saw it fit to put these two things (out of an official list of thirteen which I deliberately chose to not disclose completely for admittedly sentimental reasons) on top of my new year’s resolution list. So far, I have only been late to work for 3 minutes because of nasty Metro Manila traffic. But I get up on time nowadays! I instantly wipe the sleep away from my eyes once that alarm rudely sets off (none of that 5 minute snoozing anymore! Definitely proud of that).

And I always bring packed lunch and stave of my Starbucks obsession. That's actually harder than it sounds okay! Since my office is practically a walking distance from Starbucks and my favorite dessert place in High Street (Slice). SO a lot of self-control going on there despite my suggested lack of it from the first paragraph of this entry. Lovely. Thanks to my newly developed ability to say no (with a heavy heart) to most of my favorite things like good coffee and retail therapy, I have saved more than I have ever had in my 21 years of existence. Giving myself a pat on the back for that one.

On another completely unrelated note, I have a new blog crush (sorry, but I just love it that much enough to give a special mention): Alyssa Lapid. Fashion slash Travel Blogger (along with occasional random musings about her interesting encounters). I’m in love (love is an understatement – can somebody toss in a more superlative form of this word to describe the actual extent of my adoration?) with her linguistic ability to translate her thoughts and wanderlust to quirky and highly entertaining blog entries. I found myself sighing with jealousy on how she creatively “immortalized her love for her Valentino heels in this witty post (for your viewing pleasure and convenience):  http://alyssalapid.com/yeah-you-rockstud/.

So far, my 2014 is working out well. I got an internship under brand marketing which is practically what I've been dying to be a part of. And I'm feeling pretty good about the rest of the year. Given my dedication to alter old habits, I'm confident that this out-with-the-old-in-with-the-new thing will surely make me feel like the sun is shining out of my derriere.

Crap it just dawned on me that I'm graduating in less than 10 months. Oh god. Soon to be ancient. Brb, will attempt to build a mechanism to slow things down a notch. Or on a more realistic note - carpe diem all day errday.


  1. "So far, my 2014 is working out well."

    Of course it is. You started it with me ;)

    <3 MR78. teehee.

  2. Wonderful! Well said! carpe diem all day errday.
