Monday, September 23, 2013

The Summit of Happiness

When your life reaches an unbelievable summit of happiness, you kind of wish you can swim in the high forever. If it were physical and tangible, you'd have probably wished that you had hands big enough to catch everything and keep it from spilling away. Turning 21 was one of the best times of my life the best time of my life. It was composed of strings of both little and monumental things that weaved themselves into a memory that is "definitely one for the books" as my best friend had said.

From the perfect Yabu lunch, to the retail treatment, to the heartwarming surprise from my two secretaries aka to the bestest girlfriends anyone can ever have (which was half-epic and half-fail HAHA kidding I love you both), to a night out spent with great friends and newly made acquaintances from Vegas (god that was so random but it was definitely the highlight of that night and I was nowhere near complaining HAHA), let's just say - being the birthday girl came with too much perks!

Though I ended up voiceless and exhausted (and hangover-free, thankfully) the next day and had to wake up early to help sponsor a retreat (hehe whoops) - it was all very much worth it. Especially because of this one particular birthday greeting (and yes, I couldn't stop smiling my cheeks were hurting from all of it I hate you haha). Blessed in every sense of the word, and I can't thank God enough for getting me through those 21 years! Now, time to figure out this whole "adult" thing. . .

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