Saturday, October 26, 2013

Confession Sessions

So I haven't blogged much lately and in lieu of my blogging absence, I have several confessions to make:

1. I have this lethal crush on someone I shouldn't have a lethal crush on in the first place.

It's bound to happen to every student out there. There's always that one professor that you will indefinitely have a crush on. It could be your gym teacher - the one who has a body like Adonis. But for this case? I fell in love with his terribly attractive demeanor and vocabulary breadth. Imagine having my head in the clouds while he discusses about Borges' Ficciones and how it is interlaced with Filipino Colonization! I'm officially crossing my fingers for when he decides to throw in that pop quiz, I hope my misplaced daydreams in class will not be my downfall. 

You see, if Dorothy had Jerry Maguire at "hello", well Mr. Great Works had me at "I think it would be nice if you pick up the dictionary every so often and widen that linguistic landcape of yours" - during orientation class. Is it weird to admit that I find myself drawing hearts in the margins of my notes during his subjects and if social commonalities did not frown upon girls chasing after boys - I would have asked him to marry me in a heartbeat? Not creepy at all.

2. The tears I cried while watching Celeste and Jesse could fill the Nile River if it ever ran dry. 

Either i'm just too emotional for my own good, or that movie was just the mothereffin best. Ha I'm positive that it's more likely a collision of both ends. I know this is so overused, but who cares, THE FEELS! I'd give you my take on the synopsis of the story, but i'll just let the trailer do the talking for this one. I HIGHLY SUGGEST DEMAND that you press that play button like your life depended on it. And then click on the torrent like it was your ticket to the afterlife. You're welcome. 

3. I think I become honest with myself and admit that it's not all rainbows and butterflies with us. It's not okay.

Sometimes we worry so much about looking bitter to other people that we resolve to tolerating a past significant other's presence in our lives - seeing them through shallow windows that technology has conveniently allowed for us aka social media sites. But when someone just doesn't deserve to be called a "friend" in the first place? I don't see the point in keeping that window open.

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