Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An Abundance of Endorphins

There's so much good juju going on for today. 

Based on historical queues, Tuesdays usually attract positive energy for me. 7 times out of 10 (only because a statistic would make my claim seem more legit), Tuesdays usually leave me all jitterbug happy for some reason. Or maybe i'm just quick to generalize because of the abundance of good vibes today whose origin still remains unknown - but thank you Universe for deeming me as deserving of it. Maybe I should test out this theory in the weeks to come. I'll keep you posted on that. 

To give you a better mental image, here's what was more or less likely going on with me:

500 Days of Summer "You Make My Dreams"

While I was not exactly out there and shaking hands with everyone on the street, saluting the mail man, or randomly bursting into a corny dance, I was definitely in a chirpy mood and it was like I couldn't sit still and I felt like my voice had a built-in megawatt smile. I was too nice and it was slightly unnerving. 

Maybe my body's endorphin-making machine probably jammed and exploded, resulting into a confetti of happiness streaming wildly into my veins. It's like sh*t hit the fan, except it wasn't sh*t. It was sugar, spice, and a million clones of Justin Timberlake (what? everyone has their own interpretation of "everything nice"). So much non-sensical things going on in this post, but isn't that the perfect symptom for happiness?

Believe it or not, I had a messed up dream and it woke me up because it was THAT messed up. On a normal day, my spirits wont be as high after a dream like that. But like I said, it wasn't a normal day - it was #GoodJujuTuesday (is it obvious that i'm actually trying to make it a thing? hopefully it won't be as pathetic as Gretchen's attempt to make "fetch" happen though I'm highly considering the fact that exactly the direction it's headed for). 

Or maybe it's because of you. 

That theory i will definitely keep an eye on, definitely. 

P.S. No, I was not under substance influence.

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