Sunday, September 8, 2013

1500 Characters Just Wasn't Enough

So when I decided to revive my blog, part of it was to throw out the old and slab on whatever new I felt like throwing in… which wasn’t really much. I figured after a year’s worth of absence, I realized “What a Fine Mess” (the original blog title I had) was a bit of a downer and suggested everything in my life was what the title claimed – a mess. When it was anything but. Everything seems to be settling into its rightful place recently so rightfully, I figured – Bare & Brazen was more appropriate; it’s the best way I can describe what the blog is supposed to be about: the undressing of my thought-clouded mind and being brazen about it (brazen, adj; bold and without shame and indifferent towards anyone’s judgment), the later being one of my favorite adjectives to describe myself with.

Speaking of personal descriptions, so during my blog-rehab quest, I found myself in the “About Me” section of my profile.

For a moment, I went blank – but after a couple of minutes I found myself in a bit of a situation; the words eventually fired out of my fingertips, and what was supposed to be “1500 characters” of me in a nutshell, became more of a self-discovery essay.

I’m gonna go on a limb here and say that only a few people actually have the patience to read my posts from title to end – considering that I’m a pretty lengthy writer.  So whether you’re here by accident, boredom, genuine curiosity about what's going on in my life, or simply wondering what on earth is up with her blog titles (I have this thing for giving anti-typical titles to my blog entries), thanks for stopping by and I hope my aimless musings somewhat serve to entertain you. And it would be nice if you knew a little somethin' somethin' about me on a more personal note.

So yeah, back to that whole descriptive dilemma of mine. Here's what I could not fit in the 1500 character limit of the "About Me" section of my blogger profile:

She is a 21 year old Applied Corporate Management Student from De La Salle University that dreams of the New York fashion scene. Talk about two different poles and a heck of a lot of indecision - but she'll figure it out eventually.

She is indefinitely in love with the smell of a new book (e-books quickly became a fad to her after realizing that nothing beats the feeling of turning a crisp page and using cute bookmarks), ringside (boxing is her idea of a perfect stress reliever), Alice Gao’s Instagram,  PB&J sandwiches, and cereals. She believes that cereals are not merely reserved for breakfast meals. According to her diet, cereals > chips any day. Most people think this is unusual of her.

On the contrary, she despises flying roaches (anyone who is immune to such fear is not human), rainy days (must be attributable to the fact that she’s secretly a gremlin), marshmallows (they’re probably the worst candy every invented – it’s not even candy; it might as well be a pillow pretending to be edible), and having to get up early in the morning (there’s just no way around it; 1) she loves sleep 2) she’s too nocturnal and 3) her mattress has ten times the gravitational pull of a normal one).

She loves it when a guy has a sleeve full of surprises, smells intoxicatingly good (Acqua di Gio by Giorgio Armani as her personal favorite), has impeccable taste in music, down-to-earth yet carries with him an unmistakable appeal, knows exactly what tickles her funny bone and carries an intelligent conversation. Come on, intelligibly funny guys? Heaven sent.

She refuses to conform to proverbial things. Especially in the way she writes; which is unnecessarily highfalutin (judging by how this sentence itself was constructed) and normally punctuated with metaphors (all thanks to her secret obsession with the figurative language). She wonders if there is an actual disease that gravitates towards an obsession for words.  Admittedly, she has attempted to read a pocket dictionary from cover to cover – and highlighted most of her favorite words. Words like amorous, ephemeral, ineffable - to name a few.

Her obsessive compulsiveness does not take in the form of switching the light 57 times before leaving it on, opening and closing the door a million times before finally stepping inside the room, or arranging her clothes in the order of a rainbow’s spectrum (though admits that her post its are in a relative order of this sort)– but rather in overanalysing words, fueled by her desperate need to translate emotions into phrases and paragraphs that give it utmost justice. She’s also weirdly obsessed with typography and loves to go font shopping.

She likes to fidget with things when she’s mad – so watch out for that. Piss her off, and she’s gonna start organizing all the contents of her bag and make sure that her paper bills are in ascending order. Sarcasm is also her favorite ammunition.

It’s hard to put her in chains especially when she’s on a roll. It's like putting a full tank on a Ferrari  It just demands to show what it can do - and the rest is history. Eager, unrelenting and invincible. With her, there's no such thing as a red light when she's on to something good.

She finds comfort in the unconventional. But still knows how to appreciate the mundane anyway.

She is a lot of things, but surely, you can say that ordinary is not one of them. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm not here " by accident, boredom, genuine curiosity".
    But thanks anyway for this article.
